
Monday 8 June 2015

Monster Mondays: Possessed Objects

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There is something very strange and scary about an inanimate object that takes on evil anthropomorphic qualities: I don't know about you, but I'd be freaked out if I thought my wardrobe hated me. So that's my subject for Monster Monday this week - no not wardrobes, possessed objects. The reason I picked this is that I just saw Oculus this week, the movie starring Karen Gillan, in which a grand old mirror starts controlling the minds of a young family, pulling them into madness and death at each other's hands. It's a pretty creepy movie and the design of the mirror is just right for it, large, with a dark, carved wood frame, you can really believe that mirror hates everything and wants to twist it all up.

Of course, inanimate objects aren't limited to furniture. Anyone remember that clown doll in Poltergeist? I don't like clowns at the best of times, but in doll form, possessed by unseen forces, then you have my very creeped out attention!
Clown Before is Creepy Enough
Clown After Sealed My Opinion of Clowns for LIFE!
 Possessed dolls, the sign of innocence corrupted, is probably the creepiest form of possession for me. I find old-fashioned dolls a bit creepy anyway, so much so that when I wrote one of my first out and out horror stories, BFF for the Myriad Imaginings Anthology, that was my subject. Those fixed smiles, those unblinking eyes, and some of the antique dolls even have little pointed teeth that make them look devilish even before ghosts and demons are brought into the mix. They are the perfect target for a little possession ;P.

There are so many possibilities with turning objects into the epicentre of horror: Stephen King possessed a car in Christine; the puzzle box in Hellraiser can be considered a spooky thing in its own right; whole houses turned into monsters in Rose Red and Monster House. The terrifying list goes on.

What innocent little object would really freak you out if it turned out to be possessed?

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  1. I imagine a possessed toothbrush could be very unfortunate ;) Sorry, it was all that sprang to mind!

    1. Bleeding gums on a whole new level! ;P

      Any personal item being possessed would be pretty scary!

  2. I have a book about real life items possessed that was a great read. It's called Haunted by the Things We Love. I got it at a paranormal convention.

    Also, dolls are creepy and making them possessed makes them even creepier.

    1. Now that sounds like an interesting book - I just googled it and can find it on Amazon US, but it's not on the UK site :(

      Dolls are creepy!

    2. Found the book on the UK site, Amazon just made it difficult ;P

  3. A possessed mirror sounds pretty terrifying, actually. I've always been a little freaked out by mirrors. I blame the Bloody Mary game. :P And dolls... I used to be absolutely terrified of dolls, to the point that my siblings *still* tag me in creepy doll pictures on Facebook and send me articles about possessed dolls, etc. Gotta love siblings. :)

    1. I know what you mean about mirrors, I never like looking into them if I'm in a dingy room, I always expect to see something!

      You have lovely siblings, only family shows their love by tormenting each other ;P

  4. Have you ever seen Mirrors? I still get freaked out sometimes thinking about it! I guess it's more about the ghosts trapped in the mirrors, though...

    1. Yes, I have seen Mirrors - that is one creepy movie! Mirrors are spooky objects - we're supposed to know that we're just looking at the simple reflection of what is behind us, but then, if we aren't looking that way, do we ever really know what is behind us until we look in the mirror?

  5. I love any book or movie about possession. I think the creepiest one I've seen in ages was The Conjuring. If you haven't seen it, give it a watch - but make sure the lights are on lol :)
    Popping by on the A to Z Road Trip

    1. Oh yes, I've seen The Conjuring, that is truly creepy! Thanks for stopping by :)


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