
Tuesday 2 June 2015

Guest Post: Ghosts & Witches by Chrys Fey, author of Ghost of Death & Witch of Death

Hi, everyone! I’m Chrys Fey and I am here to tell you about my newest short stories Ghost of Death and Witch of Death.

A ghost is the soul of a dead person that lingers on earth after their death. The living can sometimes see ghosts in the form of apparitions. They are often described as translucent, misty, and floating. They are solitary essences that haunt specific locations, maybe where they died, their home, or their place of work. Often, they attach themselves to people, usually loved ones. There have even been accounts of animal (pet) ghosts.

The idea of ghosts has become so popular that there are countless ghost hunting shows. People also flock to haunted houses/hotels to spend the night and see what they’ll experience. Ghosts have been said to move objects, touch people, even push people, and appear at the foot of beds or in hallways, and also drain electrical appliances so they can do these things.

Ghosts, although many people are frightened of them because anything with death and the afterlife can be scary, they do not hurt people. Only dark entities cause harm.

Popular Ghost Movies:

Corpse Bride
Darkness Falls
Ghost Ship
Sleepy Hollow
The Eye
The Haunting
The Others
The Shining
Thirteen Ghosts
What Lies Beneath

QUESTION: What’s your favorite ghost movie?

Fictional witches have magnificent supernatural powers such as the ability to conjure fire, control the wind, and send lightning down from the sky. They vanquish demons and warlocks with spells and potions (Charmed). They cast spells with wands and fly on broomsticks (Harry Potter).

Witches outside of fiction don’t have supernatural powers. Wicca is a religion that honors the earth and nature. Wiccans use herbs and stones to cast spells for strength, love, courage, among other things.

Because of the stigma around witches, many people fear them and picture them cackling over a bubbling cauldron. In fiction, they most likely do just that. In real life, they laugh with friends over a stove while they make a soup or tea full of delicious ingredients that may heighten health and happiness.

Popular Witch Movies:

Bell Book and Candle
Harry Potter
Hocus Pocus
Practical Magic
Teen Witch
The Craft
The Crucible
The Good Witch
The Witches
The Witches of Eastwick
Wizard of Oz

QUESTION: What’s your favorite witch movie?

Title: Witch of Death
Author: Chrys Fey
Genre: Supernatural/Suspense
Format: eBook Only
Page Count: 45 (short story)
Release Date: May 20th, 2015
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press


Detective Reid Sanders doesn’t believe in the supernatural, but when he’s faced with a crime scene that defies the laws of nature, he has no other choice but to start believing. And solving a magical murder involves working with a witch.

Liberty Sawyer embodies the look of your classic evil witch, so, it’s no surprise when she uncovers the murderer is a witch that she becomes Reid’s number one suspect. If she can’t convince him otherwise, more people could lose their lives to dark magic, including her.




Jolie Montgomery, a twenty-one-year-old woman, wakes up in an alley next to her corpse. She has no memories of her murder or the night she died. She didn’t even see the killer’s face before he or she took her life. Wanting justice, Jolie seeks answers in the only way a ghost stalking the lead detective on the case.

Avrianna Heavenborn is determined to find the person responsible for a young woman’s death. She gets closer to the killer’s identity with every clue she uncovers, and Jolie is with her every step of the way.

But if they don’t solve her murder soon, Jolie will be an earth-bound spirit forever.

Book Links:


Chrys Fey is the author of Hurricane Crimes and 30 Seconds. She is currently working on the sequel to Hurricane Crimes that’ll serve as book two in the Disaster Crimes series.

When Fey was six years old, she realized her dream of being a writer by watching her mother pursue publication. At the age of twelve, she started writing her first novel, which flourished into a series she later rewrote at seventeen. Fey lives in Florida where she is waiting for the next hurricane to come her way.

You can connect with her on Facebook and her blog, Write with Fey. She loves to get to know her readers! 

Author Links: 
Facebook / Blog / Website / Goodreads 

THE BATTLE IS ON: Which do you like more in fiction, ghosts or witches?

Thank you all for visiting and hopefully commenting. ;) 


  1. Welcome to my blog, Chrys. I'm going to answer your questions.

    My favourite ghost movie is The Woman In Black, really spooky and it maintains the atmosphere throughout the story.

    My favourite witch movie has to be Practical Magic (with The Craft coming a close second). I just love the relationship between the Owen Sisters and Aidan Quinn is fabulous as well!

    I like both ghosts and witches in fiction, but if you push me, I think my favourite genre ever is a good haunting, so I have to pick ghosts :).

    1. Thank you for such a nice welcome, Sophie! I am thrilled to be on your blog. :)

      I've never seen The Woman in Black but I've been wanting to.

      Practical Magic is my favorite witch movie as well.

      One for ghosts! :)

  2. Hi Sophie - Chrys is a great guest to have over. I don't know enough about movies or films ... to make an objective choice .. but I know ghosts can 'move' people to see them .. and then influence what they do, while witches I'm not sure about ... I worry about them.

    Chrys' "Ghost of Death" has a strange premise that could lead us to many story lines - I like the idea .. and imagine the book will be an excellent read. Chrys is a great supernatural and suspense writer ... good luck to both of you for your books - cheers Hilary

    1. Ghosts can be pretty sneak. Evil spirits/demons, if you believe in them, are different from regular ghosts and are the nasty ones that you see in movies like Paranormal Activity.

      Oh, you don't have to fear witches. At least not real witches. They are good and nice people. Fictional witches, however, may be feared. :P

      Thank you so much for so a lovely compliment, Hilary. :)

  3. I'm not fond of ghost movies (though I've found I like em better in books) so I'll have to vote witches. Better a witch than dead, ya know?

    My favorite witch movie, hands down, has gotta be The Craft. Awesome movie, such a shame they think they need to redo it.

    1. "Better a witch than dead." Ha! Jolie, my MC in Ghost of Death would agree with that statement. The Craft is pretty creepy where witch movies are concerned.

  4. Enjoyed your post! I enjoy both ghosts and witches, with ghosts edging out witches, just slightly, and only because I wrote a ghost story. (grinning) I like Ghost for the conflict and Corpse Bride for the odd romanticism. Hocus Pocus has that touch of strange humor that I enjoy, but Practical Magic is another goodie.

    1. Thank you, Ashantay! Corpse Bride is a cute, weird movie. As all of Tim Burton's films are. Practical Magic is my #1 favorite witch movie followed closely by Hocus Pocus.

  5. That's so difficult to say whether I like witches or ghosts more. I've written about both equally. I like seeing different twists on them. I'm going to vote ghosts just because my son wants to be a ghostbuster! :)

    1. Hehe! That's cute and a nice reason to vote for ghosts. :)

  6. Christine reminded me of Ghostbusters which I think is my favourite ghost movie! I like a good dose of humour with anything like this, but that is a scary movie too (it was when I was a kid anyway). It's a tough choice to make but I'd go with ghosts - it adds more of a layer of mystery, although witches are cool too.

    1. I was really afraid of Ghostbusters as a kid. That's why I still don't watch it! lol

      Ghosts are winning! No wonder why that one is selling better. :P

  7. Witches. Everytime!

    Favorite witch movie? I have to choose?
    Practical Magic. I did not expect to like it as much as I did.

    1. Yay!!! That's 4 for ghosts and 2 for witches.

      Practical Magic is an awesome movie!


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